During more than 30 years of planning and producing sales support systems for different industries we have developed a range of practical standard products, which we constantly expand and optimise.
video2know offers professional video hosting with analytics, lessons and topics for your staff and customer training. Upload your own videos or access existing content.
Many of our international customers utilise our service offerings on a regular basis, which support them while planning and implementing of all kinds of IT and sales projects.
EuroConsultant is a loan calculator for the simple calculation of loans or annuity loans. Its intuitive operation enables the calculation of the credit rate, effective annual interest rate, debit interest rate within a few seconds.
Over the years as a software company we have specialised in selected industries. By closely co-operating with customers we gained the know-how to fulfill the respective industry’s needs.
Eurobase GmbH, headquartered in Mertert, Luxembourg, is a privately held software company, which successfully develops and sells services and solutions in the fields of sales, sales promotion and marketing.